Home/Browse by collection/Oncolytic and Local Immunotherapy

Oncolytic and Local Immunotherapy

Section Edited by Howard L. Kaufman, MD, FACS

Showing results 31 - 40 of 100

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Neoadjuvant intratumoral influenza vaccine treatment in patients with proficient mismatch repair colorectal cancer leads to increased tumor infiltration of CD8+ T cells and upregulation of PD-L1: a phase 1/2 clinical trial
Mikail Gögenur, Lukas Balsevicius, Mustafa Bulut, Nesibe Colak, Tobias Freyberg Justesen, Anne-Marie Kanstrup Fiehn, Marianne Bøgevang Jensen, Kathrine Høst-Rasmussen, Britt Cappelen, Shruti Gaggar, Asma Tajik, Jawad Ahmad Zahid, Astrid Louise Bjørn Bennedsen, Tommaso Del Buono D’Ondes, Hans RaskovSee the full list of authors

12 May 2023

PKR induces TGF-β and limits oncolytic immune therapy
Bangxing Hong, Upasana Sahu, Matthew P Mullarkey, Evan Hong, Guangsheng Pei, Yuanqing Yan, Yoshihiro Otani, Yeshavanth Banasavadi-Siddegowda, Huihui Fan, Zhongming Zhao, Jianhua Yu, Michael A Caligiuri, Balveen Kaur

16 February 2023